This change is applicable to units prior to serial number 606xxxx.

On the RF unit (X44-1660-00) change C168 from a 33 pF capacitor to a 15 pF 50V capacitor.The following change will increase the VCO level and should prevent reoccurrence of this symptom. Reports of a PLL unlock on the lower frequencies may be due to low VCO levels. Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) technical specifications Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) technical specifications : Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Mod for MARS and all band operations Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) ALC time constant Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Amtor switching time Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) RX AUDIO Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Erratic display Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) SSB Talk Power Improvement Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) LCD Clock Display Erratic Operation Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Squelch switching noise Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Signal to noise ratio improvement Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) AGC circuit improvements Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) AVR unit capacitor change Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) PLL unlock Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Antenna Tuner Relays Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) PLL unit Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) VCO carrier to noise ratio improvement Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) MRF-485 Driver Transistor Notes Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) PA drivers replacement

Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Expanded xmit Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) remote relay elimination Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) bad solders Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) Factory Assembly Mistakes Mods for Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) : PDF Service Manual/schematics for Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) : PDF User Manual for Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) : Programming software for Kenwood TS-940S (TS 940 S TS940S) : Programming interface schematics for Kenwood :